Mid Hudson Aquatics was founded by Galen Franchek and John  Berrio.   For over 30 years, Galen has been coordinating swim lessons in the community and for over 20, she has been coaching swim. John had little idea of what he was getting himself into. After John proposed to Galen, a new relationship took place.  John and Galen got married and they both fell in love not only with each other but also with teaching swimming together and changing lives. Mid Hudson Aquatics is a nonprofit swim organization prioritizing inclusivity in swimming and water safety in Dutchess County.  Our programs were originally designed around Poughkeepsie District Swimmers but all are welcome as we expand in Dutchess County ! Every swimmer is treated equally regardless of ability or challenge. We offer Learn to Swim Programs for all ages and in 2017 we created Mid Hudson Heatwaves Swim Team.

Mid Hudson Heatwaves  is a year-round competitive swim team.  Competitions are optional. However, the team promotes family values, fun, and hard work in a positive, inspiring environment. Life skills are emphasized with every swimmer on the team. As coaches and members of USA Swimming, we have access to the best training and certification program for coaches of any sport in the US.

 We welcome new ideas that support our mission. We invite parents and volunteers to assist in our efforts to promote our swim program and support fundraising.